Friday, February 13, 2009

Phoenix rises from the ashes

Warning : The title may or may not be misleading.

The following string of sentences are just meant to announce my re-entry to the world of blogging. When I started blogging about a year and a half back, the thought of having my writings being read by someone, commented upon and discussed about was too exciting. It provided the necessary impetus to hop onto the bandwagon of blogging. But due to lack of time(a reason that I just made to make myself sound convincing) and conviction, the effort ran out of steam and I havent posted anything beyond two paragraphs of a story that "I desired to write". Now I feel that I have the time and the inclination to write.

Moving on, let me substantiate the title that I have given to this post(by hook or crook!). As wikipedia states "A phoenix is a mythical bird which builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises; reborn anew to live again. " (yawn....) In a similar manner, my blog space that was burnt fiercely by my inherent laziness and lack of determination, will give way to a new active blogspace where I hope to keep posting regularily(barring which I'll put down my head in shame...) with renewed vigour.

I hope you do enjoy my posts; I will definitely look forward to constructive and destructive criticism(provided its in my favour...). My posts will mostly consist of my experiences and travels but on the whole I should say its going to be random. I'm not sure if i'll continue the story that I began with my first post but I will definitely make an attempt towards it. I'll publish a new post very soon.

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